(102) | ふるさと納税制度は地域の一次産業振興に繋がるか〜植木産地鈴鹿を事例に〜(2024.5.3.),安部大樹・朴 恵淑・森 久綱, 第15回台湾ーフィリピンー日本国威祭学術大会 The 15th Taiwan- Philippines- Japan International Academic Conference, 台湾真理大学 Taiwan Aletheia Univetsity. |
(101) | 日本の「非認知能力」研究に関する系統的レビュー A Systematic Review of“Non-Cognitive Skills” Research in Japan (2024.5.3.), 小西 凌・日下清佳・加藤貴也・朴 恵淑・西村訓弘・朴 恵淑, 第15回台湾ーフィリピンー日本国威祭学術大会 The 15th Taiwan- Philippines- Japan International Academic Conference, 台湾真理大学 Taiwan Aletheia Univetsity. |
(100) | デジタルツールを用いた学習が修学性の意欲・自信に与える影響 (The Impact of Learning with Digital Tools on Motivation and Confidence of Junior High School Students), (2024.3.), 小西 凌・西村訓弘・朴 恵淑, 2023年度エネルギー環境教育成果報告書, 三重大学・北勢サテライト「SDGs研究会」・中部電力株式会社, 133 – 136. |
(99) | A Study on Learning Time of High School Students Who Think “Going to Higher Education is Financially Difficult”- Implication for POST COVID-19 (2023.11.11), Ryo KONISHI, Takaya KATO, HyeSook PARK, Norihiro NISHIMURA, 2023年度エネルギー環境教育成果報告書, 三重大学・北勢サテライト「SDGs研究会」・中部電力株式会社, 121 – 132. |
(98) | 三重大学の先進的環境教育と持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)・脱炭素(カーボンニュートラル)社会創生 Mie University’s Advanced Environmental Education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Decarbonized Society (2024.3.), 朴 恵淑 PARK HyeSook, 三重大学高等教育研究 Mie University Journal of Studies on Higher Education, 第30号記念号, 三重大学高等教育デザイン・推進機構, 41 – 43. |
(97) | Strategies of Mie University and Mie Prefecture for Advanced Environment, SDGs, CN and Innovation in Post COVID-19 Era (2023.11.11), The 14th Taiwan-Philippines-Japan International Academic Conference, Meijo University, Keynote Speech. 11 - 12. |
(96) | Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Understanding of Employment Rules and Japanese Companies and Employment Success- Focusing on Chginese International Students-(2023.10), Fangzhou Li, Hye-Sook Park, Norihiro Nishimura, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2023), Mie University, 17 – 20. |
(95) | Family Structure Disparities in the Sense of Effort Effectiveness Focused on Learning Time; A Comparison of Single-Parent and Two- Parent Families (2023.10), Ryo KONISHI, Takaya KATO, HyeSook PARK and Norihiro NISHIMURA, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2023), Mie University, 9 – 12. |
(94) | *Creating A School, Family, and Community Partnership to Promote Better Learning Outcomes in Primary Schools in Conakry, Guinea- Drawing on the Japanese Community-Based Approach Experience (2023.4.), Facinet Cisse, Liquing Zang, Hye-Sook Park, Norihiro Nishimura, Journal of African Education (JAE), Vol.4, No.1, 263 – 282. |
(93) | *A Retrospective Pattern Study on the Petrochemical Industry Development and the Correlated Proceeding of SO2 Abatement in Yokkaichi, Japan (2023), Ruiyi Tao, Hye-Sook Park, Takaya Kato, Norihiro Nishimura, Sustainability 2023, 14 (MDPI), 22 pages. |
(92) | *Creating a School, Family, and Community Partnership to Promote Better Learning Outcomes in Primary Schools in Conakry, Guinea - Drawing on the Japanese Community- Based Approach Experience (2022), Facinet Cisse, Norihiro Nishimura and Hye-Sook Park, Sustainability2022, 14 (MDPI), 15 pages. |
(91) | Developing a partnership network that engages families and communities in promoting positive learning outcomes in elementary schools in Conakry, Guinea (2022), Ficinet Cisse, Hye-Sook Park and Norihiro Nishimura, Sustainability2022, 14 (MDPI), 13 pages. www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability. |
(90) | A Pattern Study Over Petrochemical Industry Development and SO2 Assessment Process of Yokkaichi (2022.), Ruiyi Tao, Norihiro Nishimura, Hye-Sook Park, Takaya Kato, Sustainability 2022, 14-21 pages. https://doi.org/10.3390/(MDPI) |
(89) | Mie University Model” of Environment and SDGs and Next Generetion Glo-Cal Human Resource Development for Sustainable Carbon Neutral Society (2022.11.28-29), 2022 Joint Conference TPJ Academic Conference, CEBU Normal University, Philippines, Pleanary Speech. |
(88) | The Next Normal: Sustainablilty Actions for Higher Education During COVID-19 (2022.1.22), Asian Sustainable Campus Network (ASCN) Conference, Thailand, Keynote Speech. |
(87) | 流域圏 SDGs 評価モデル〜三重県の流域圏(2021.11.20), 水木千春・朴恵淑・福井弘道・古澤礼太・川村真也, 朴恵淑・矢野竹男(編)『持続可能な三重創生と SDGs 経営』, 風媒社, 71 – 91. |
(86) | Atmospheric Impacts of China’s regional Integration Policy in Northern China’s Industrial Cities- A case study of Tianjin City and Tangshan City (2021.10.21.), Ruiyi Tao, Norihiro Nishimura, Hye-Sook Park and Takaya Kato, Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2021), Mie University, 67 – 70. |
(85) | *An Empirical Study on Online Learners’ Continuance Intention in China (2021.1.17), Yiwen Li, Norihiro Nishimura, Hisanori Yagami and Hye-Sook Park, Sustainability 2021, 13 (2), 889, Article, MDPI, 1 – 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13020889 |
(84) | An Empirical Study on Online Learners’ Continuance Intention in China (2020.10.15), Yiwen Li, Norihiro Nishimura, Hisanori Yagami and Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2020), Mie University, 65 – 68. |
(83) | Emphasizing Social, Emotional and Ethical learning for intellectual and moral achievement (2020.10.15), Cisse Facinet, Norihiro Nishimura and Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2020), Mie University, 49 – 52. |
(82) | Comparisons between Tianjin and Yokkaichi City of Air Pollution Improvement Process—In Reviewing Yokkaichi Air Pollution (2020.10.15), Ruiyi Tao, Norihiro Nishimura and Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2020), Mie University, 5 – 8. |
(81) | 四日市公害の克服と国連持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)未来都市四日市創生 (2019.10.10),朴 恵淑, 「環境共生の歩み〜四日市公害からの再生・地球環境問題・SDGs」, 明石書店, 94 – 108. |
(80) | *四日市公害から学ぶ環境政策と国際環境協力 (2019.10.1.), 朴 恵淑, 特集1. 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の達成に向けた環境リスクを考えるー有害物質と私たちの健康と生活, 学術の動向, Vol. 24, No. 10, 日本学術会議, 28 – 32. |
(79) | 大学生の自然災害に対する危険認識と対応行動の現状 (2019.10.), 水木千春・朴 恵淑, 生活協同組合研究, 2019.10, Vol.55, (公)生協総合研究所, 50 – 55. |
(78) | Building peace and nonviolence across school communities in Guinea (2019.10.17-18), Cisse Facinet, Hiroshi Susono, Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2019) & Taiwan- Philippine- Japan internationalAcademic Conference (TPJIAC2019), Mie University, 3 – 6. |
(77) | Air Pollution Improvement Linkage with Experts-Citizens-Government-Enterprises in North-East Asia Learned from the YOKKAICHI Air Pollution (2019.9.19-20), Hye-Sook PARK, Proceeding of 3rd K-CIPEC (The 3rd International Conference/Exhibition on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Changed in Korea, Suwon Convention Center, Suwon Gyonggi, Korea, 46 – 48. |
(76) | 留学生の住・食・命(防災)を支える大学生協の実践と国内外動向との連携(2019.3.25.), 朴 恵淑, くらしと協同, くらしと協同の研究所, 37 – 43. |
(75) | Integrated approach to quality teaching that fosters students’ empowerment – Teachers’professional development outlook (2018.10.18-19), Cisse Facinet, Hiroshi Susono, Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2018), Mie University, 71 – 74. |
(74) | Importance of adjusting supply meeting demand in fuel market of woody waste powergeneration- From the case of Agatsuma Bio-Power (2018.10.18-19), Taiki ABE, Hisatsuna MORI and Hye-Sook PARK, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on RegionalInnovation Studies (IWRIS2018), Mie University, 67 – 70. |
(73) | 陶磁器生産減少下における国内産地の再生—四日市萬古焼産地を事例としてー Regeneration of the Domestic Production under the Decline of Ware Production- Case Study on Yokkaichi Banko Ware- (2018.3.31.), 西浦尚夫・朴 恵淑, JSD(日本情報ディレクトリ学会), Vol.16, 2018. 46 - 55. |
(72) | 四日市公害の教訓と「四日市学」 (2018.1.), 朴 恵淑, 特集アジアの環境問題と国際環境協力, 地理, 通巻752号. Vol.63, 2018年1月号, 古今書院, 51 – 58. |
(71) | 四日市公害の現代的再評価とアジアの国際環境協力(2018.1.), 朴 恵淑, 特集アジアの環境問題と国際環境協力, 地理, 通巻752号. Vol.63, 2018年1月号, 古今書院, 14 – 21. |
(70) | Improvement of Child Economic Awareness by Introducing as Economic Education Plan (2017.10.), Naoko Ishida, Norihiro Nishimura and Hye-Sook PARK, Children Session of Proceedings of the 24th Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium 2017,23-27 October, 2017, Mie University, Japan, 1 – 4. |
(69) | Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Regional Creation as the Most Environmentally Advanced Mie University (2017.10.), Hye-Sook PARK, Keynote Speech of Proceedings of the 24th Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium 2017, 23-27 October, 2017, Mie University, Japan, 1 – 6. |
(68) | Reconsider the Labor Consciousness in the “Gender Equality” Era in view of Economic Education for Children (2017.10.), Naoko Ishida, Norihiro Nishimura and Hye-Sook Park,Proceedings of The Ninth International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2017), October 19-20, 2017, Mie University, 1 – 4. |
(67) | Economic Interpretation for the Environmental Education: Aiming the Economy-Environment Balance (2016.12.), GAO Wen and PARK Hye-Sook, INFORMATION,Vol.19, No.10(B), International Information Institute, 4875 – 4882. |
(66) | Innovation on Working Style and Awareness of Women by the Economic Education for Children (2016.10.), Naoko ISHIDA, Norihiro NISHIMURA, Eiji YAMANE and Hye-Sook PARK, Proceedings of The Eighth International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2016), October 19-20, 2017, Mie University, 113 – 116. |
(65) | Regional Innovation Model in Education – Examination of a case study of Aichi Summer Seminar- (2016.10.), Yuki Kawami, Chikako Nezu and Hye-Sook Park, Proceedings of The Eighth International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2016), Mie University, 62 – 65. |
(64) | The Value Formation Process and Industrial Development for the Yokkaichi Banko Ceramics (2015.10.), Hisao NISHIURA, Motoi GOTO and Hye-Sook PARK, Proceedings of The Seventh International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2015), Mie University, 45 – 48. |
(63) | *Environmental Education Program for Environmental Human Resource Development of Mie University Brand (2011.8.), PARK Hys-Sook and TANICUCHI Tomomasa,三重大ブランドの環境人材養成プログラムの実践(英文), 「新地理」, 第59巻第2号,日本地理教育学会誌., 1-12 |
(62) | 東アジアの大気汚染抑制のための日中韓の環境政策と国際環境協力(2008), 朴 恵淑, 大気環境学会誌, Vol.43, No.6, 356-357. |
(61) | マレーシアのバイオマス発電に関連した農業・エネルギー・CDMの展望(2007), 朴 恵淑・荒井茂夫・安食和宏・西村智朗・鹿嶋 洋・福田和展・佐藤宏文, 人文論,三重大学人文学部文化学科研究紀要 第24号, 2007.3, 85 - 110. |
(60) | YOKKAICHI Studies for Promotion Environmental Education and International Environmental Cooperation by Lessons of Yokkaichi Air Pollution (2006),Hye-Sook PARK, Annual Report of Khabalovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Khabalovsk, Russia, No. 4, 2006.2, 71-76. |
(59) | マレーシアの籾殻発電に関する基礎研究(2006), 朴 恵淑・荒井茂夫・宇都宮陽二朗・中川 正・福田和展・鹿嶋 洋・西村智朗・宮岡邦任・上野達彦, 人文論,三重大学人文学部文化学科研究紀要 第223号, 2006.3, 1-28. |
(58) | YOKKAICHI Studies Toward Environmental Advanced Region From Yokkaichi Air Pollution Area- Lessons of Yokkaichi Air pollution and Environmental Education (2005),Hye-Sook PARK, PROCEEDINGS The 12th Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium 2005, Oct. 16-21, 2005, Zhenjiang, China, 80-85. |
(57) | 四日市公害問題の教訓と国際環境協力ー韓国産業団地における公害問題の実態(2005), 朴 恵淑, 反差別人権研究みえ第4号, 三重県人権問題研究所, 2005.9月, 41 - 65. |
(56) | コンビナート(産業団地)周辺の大気汚染が児童への健康被害に及ぼす日韓の比較研究ー「四日市学」の適用 (2005), 朴 恵淑, 人文論集, 三重大学人文学部文化学科研究紀要 第22号, 2005.3, 155 - 175. |
(55) | 東アジアの大気環境問題と国際環境協力(2002), 朴 恵淑, 地理, 通巻560号, 5月号, 古今書院, 8 - 14. |
(54) | 広域越境性大気汚染に対処するための環境外交ーヨーロッパの教訓と東アジアのこれから(2001), 朴 恵淑・米本昌平・石井 敦, Studies;生命・人間・社会, 三菱化学生命科学研究所, 89 - 124. |
(53) | 伊勢湾地域における大気汚染の季節的特性ー二酸化窒素(NO2)濃度測定と指標植物(アサガオ)の環境教育への応用(2001), 朴 恵淑, 人権問題研究みえ, 第3号, 三重県人権問題研究所, 98 -130. |
(52) | Air Pollution/Quality in the Japanese Enormous Cities; Working Towards the 2002 World Cup Game (2001),Hye-Sook PARK, World Cup and Urban Air Pollution Issues, IUAPPA 12th World Clean Air Congress- Blue Sky 2002 NGO Session, Aug. 28, 2001, Seoul, Korea, 57 - 79. |
(51) | *地球温暖化が日本付近の海洋・水産業へ及ぼす影響と諸問題(2001), 朴 恵淑, 水産海洋研究, 第65巻, 第4号, 161-166. |
(50) | 生物季節による日本の季節区分(2001), 河村 武・川村麻美・朴 恵淑, 気候影響・利用研究会報, 第19号, 7-10. |
(49) | 伊勢湾地域における二酸化窒素(NO2)濃度の季節的特性ー環境教育への応用(2001), 朴 恵淑, 研究報告 Vol. 6 (No. 7), 財団法人三重県環境保全事業団, 1-22. |
(48) | *伊勢湾地域における二酸化窒素(NO2)濃度の冬と夏の特性(2000), 朴恵淑・長屋祐一・目崎茂和・田中 博, 日本生気象学会雑誌, Vol.37, No,4, 105-116. |
(47) | ISO14001;環境都市の条件ードイツエアランゲン市の事例ー(2000), 上野達彦, 友永輝比古, 朴 恵淑, ISO学(国際規格技術)研究報告書Vol. 2,三重県三重大学地域共同研究センター三重大学ISO学研究会, 33-74. |
(46) | *Global Warming: The Potential Impact on Japan (2000), Hye-Sook Park, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 81, No. 5, 1090 - 1093. |
(45) | *生物季節による温暖化の影響と検出(1999), 甲斐啓子・吉野正敏・朴 恵淑, 地球環境, 4巻1号&2号(合併号), 91 - 103. |
(44) | 伊勢湾周辺地域の大気汚染ーとばっちり被害も恐い!(1999), 朴 恵淑, サイアス, 1999. 11, 60 - 63. |
(43) | 世紀末と21世紀の地球環境問題をかんがえるー温暖化防止ボン会議(COP5)を前に(1999), 朴 恵淑, 熊野灘漁業を考える会, 1999, 11, 1 - 12. |
(42) | 沿岸漁業・海洋に及ぼす地球温暖化等の諸問題(1999), 朴 恵淑, 熊野灘の漁業を考えるー沿岸漁業資源の培養と環境保全ー, 1999. 11, 17 - 24. |
(41) | 東アジアの局地・広域越境性大気汚染・酸性雨問題と国際環境協力に関する戦戦略的研究(1999), 朴 恵淑, 現代の中国地理研究, 現代中国研究会,58 - 64. |
(40) | 地球市民の時代へ(1999), 朴 恵淑, あすの三重25周年記念号環境の世紀へ, 第113号, 春季, 15 - 22. |
(39) | Country Report of Japan: Emissions of Air Pollutant and Green House Gases in Japan (1999), Hye-Sook PARK, AANEA-5;The 5th International Conference of Atmospheric Action Network in East Asia, Oct. 12-13, 1999, Seoul, Korea, 1 - 18. |
(38) | 伊勢湾地域の大気汚染(NO2)の動態(1999), 朴 恵淑, 伊勢湾地域の総合的利用と保全研究報告書, 三重県高等教育機関連絡会議, 111 - 121. |
(37) | Cooperation Strategies for Acid Rain Control in East Asia(1998), Hye- Sook Park, Peking University・CCEJ・Semin Foundation・AANEA, 4-6 December 1998, Bejing, China, 8 - 23. |
(36) | 地球温暖化問題と途上国のISO14001との関係ー韓国、アルゼンチンを例にしてー(1999), 朴 恵淑, ISO学(国際規格技術)研究報告書Vol. 1, 三重県三重大学地域共同研究センター三重大学ISO学研究会, 57 - 82. |
(35) | 伊勢湾の汚染気象学ー二酸化窒素(NO2)濃度分布の特徴 (1998), 朴 恵淑, 伊勢湾地域の総合的利用と保全に関する研究&研究報告書(中間報告2), 三重県高等教育期間連絡会議, 92 - 107 |
(34) | 地球環境問題ー自然科学と国際政治の融合(1998), 朴 恵淑・米本昌平, JST異分野研究者交流事業21世紀の科学技術の探索研究, 科学技術振興事業団, 15 - 23. |
(33) | 気候変動が生態系に及ぼす影響(1998), 朴 恵淑, 詳説・地球温暖化1998ー地球温暖化防止京都会議で何が決まったかー, 市民フォーラム2001・地球温暖化研究会, 9 - 17. |
(32) | Country Report: Japan (1997), H. Hayakawa, Y. Matsumoto, H.S. Park, T. Andho, K. Watanabe and Y. Ayukawa, Independent NGO Evaluations of National Plans for Climate ChangeMitigation–OECD Countries, Climate Network Europe and U.S. Climate Action Network, Em Print, 61 - 66. |
(31) | 都市の防災と自然環境保存のための環境管理に関する研究;東京とソウルの大都市圏の比較研究(1997), 朴 恵淑, (財)福武学術文化振興財団平成8年度年報, 102 - 109. |
(30) | 伊勢湾の汚染気象学(1997), 朴 恵淑, 伊勢湾地域の総合的利用と保全に関する研究&研究報告書(中間報告), 三重県高等教育期間連絡会議, 75 - 78. |
(29) | Air Pollution Problems in Japan (1997), Hye-Sook Park, Workshop and Symposium for the Multi-Disciplinary and Corporative Researches on the Atmospheric Issuesin North-East Asia, CCEJ, Yonse University and Environmental Center of Beijing University, Seoul, 24 - 37. |
(28) | 植物季節に及ぼす地球温暖化の影響ーエンソが植物季節・農作物収量・自然災害に及ぼす諸例ー(1996),吉野正敏・朴 恵淑, 地球の温暖化が植物に及ぼす影響の解明に関する研究, 環境庁地球環境研究総合推進費終了研究報告書(GERF研究報告書), 57 - 64. |
(27) | 三重県・津市の文化・社会に関する総合的研究 (1996), 児玉克哉・朴 恵淑・野中健一・田中 裕・高潤 生・谷岡経津子・柏木はるみ,アジアの地域・自然環境と開発に関する調査研究論文集(第3巻・最終号), 149 - 160. |
(26) | 地球温暖化が生態系に及ぼす影響 (1996), 朴 恵淑, 今、地球温暖化問題は動いている, 市民フォーラム2001・地球温暖化研究会, 16 - 22. |
(25) | (A Climatological Study on Cherry Blossom (Prunus yedoensis) Phenology in Korea and Japan (1995),Hye-Sook Park, 梨花地理論叢, 6, 李 淑妊教授華甲記念論集, 335 - 353. (英文、韓国語要約文付) |
(24) | * 東京環八号線道路付近の上空に発生する雲(環八雲)の事例解析ー1989年 8月 21日の例ー(1995), 甲斐憲次・浦 健一・河村 武,・朴 恵淑, 天気, 42, 417 - 427. |
(23) | 地上気温の季節性に着目した都市気候成分の解析 (1994), 朴 恵淑・安成哲三, 沖 理子, 尾田敏範, 地理学評論, 67, 561- 574. |
(22) | 日本の生物季節と自然季節 (1994), 河村 武・川村磨美・朴 恵淑, 愛知産業大学紀要, 2, 47 - 50. |
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